Thursday, 17 March 2011

The Fukushima 50

As a precursor to this post I'd like to point out the majority of my information about this topic comes from this mornings' Metro, so too much weight shouldn't really be placed on their reliability. It's hardly an academic resource.

The Fukushima 50 is what they are calling them. For a nation where everyone is meant to be smarter than the rest of the world you would have thought they could have come up with a name better than that for the 180 men that are working to save Japans nuclear power plants! Honestly, they are reported to have said that they are expecting to die. Don't get me wrong I'm in awe and respect for their determination and desire to serve their country.

But the metro didn't really think too much about these heros. Across the page they have another headline "Nuclear plant reaching 'the point of no return'" in which the article depicts the Japanese having lost control of the whole situation. What a fantastic way to honour these brave men. Telling the world how hard they are working, how they are fully expecting to die in their attempts to safe the country from suffering yet another disaster that would shake the nation to its very core. Let's face it, talk about kicking someone while they are down. The country is suffering from the earthquake and the tsunami; they are now expecting to be suffering from nuclear disaster.

I read in an economic journal a couple of days ago about an overly optimistic economist who claimed that the Japanese economy would recover within the year. I'm not sure if they would like to retract this statement in light of the fact they don't seem to be able to stop this impending doom.

But this post is to honour the brave 180 men who are working around the clock to stop even more disaster. So Ladies and Gentlemen lets raise our glasses to the Fukushima 50, who have been exposed to high levels of radiation. Over 5 times the US legal limit!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Good Luck.

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